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Type NDN micro frictionless table (balls)

NEW option: NDN-KS with integrated cage control

Major components are made of stainless steel

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NDN type micro frictionless tables, Sizes 05–2

Micro frictionless tables type NDN
Micro frictionless tables type NDN

Type NDN micro frictionless table consists of four major components: the stainless steel top and bottom parts, the brass cage, and the stainless roller elements. The U-shaped cage connects the two rows of balls so the tendency towards cage creep is largely eliminated. The NDN micro frictionless tables are preloaded with zero backlash and the displacement resistance is extremely low. Type NDN is available in a single-axis version in three sizes.


NEW option: NDN-KS with integrated cage control Sizes 05–1

NEW: micro frictionless table type NDN-KS
NEW: micro frictionless table type NDN-KS

The cage can move freely along the longitudinal axis, which often leads to unwanted cage movement due to uneven load distribution, high accelerations, vertical installation situations or temperature differences. This phenomenon impairs the efficiency of every application, as the cage has to be regularly re-centered with increased force.

The micro roller NDN-KS is now optionally equipped with an advanced and robust cage forcing control that effectively eliminates cage creeping. The gears of this control system are precisely integrated into the carriage and the rail. The gear wheel, with a diameter of less than 1.5 mm, is manufactured to the highest standards of precision.

The micro roller NDN-KS is ideal for the most demanding requirements in automation, mechanical engineering for vertical applications. It is available in corrosion-resistant steel and various sizes with strokes from 5 to 40 mm. 

Key Advantages:

  • No cage reset required: Stable performance without cage creeping
  • Extremely high speed and acceleration: Up to 3 m/s and 300 m/s²
  • Compact design: Maximum performance in the smallest of space
  • Precision and maximum reliability in the smallest installation space (10mm)


Patent Pending


SCHNEEBERGER micro frictionless tables - limited quantity, easy ordering, quick delivery

Micro frictionless tables

Miniaturized frictionless tables are suitable for extremely demanding applications, even at high temperatures and in a vacuum

Type MSType NDType NDN
Loading capacity
Running characteristics
Anti cage creeping option
Light weigth design
Corrosion resistant
  • Legend:
  • 100%100% best choice
  • 75%75%
  • 50%50%
  • 25%25% good choice
  • 0%0%


Slides - Product catalog
Slides - Product catalog Dynamic and PreciseDownload now
Type NDN-KS micro frictionless table
Type NDN-KS micro frictionless table Download now

SCHNEEBERGER overview linear bearings and positioning systems

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