Example application of our SCHNEEBERGER MINISLIDE MSQ

SCHNEEBERGER MINISLIDE MSQ embodies the latest generation of miniature guideways for the most demanding applications. They are extremely robust and prove themselves in every application with their high friction movement, precision and strength.
Formula 1 of the miniature guide systems
"When it comes to acceleration and precise control, are you more likely to opt for the Formula 1 or a classic race car?" A manufacturer of innovative laser deflecting units used in various applications opted for the Formula 1: In this case, the SCHNEEBERGER MINISLIDE MSQ miniature guide system.
Advantages of MINISLIDE MSQ
To increase the efficiency of additive manufacturing (AM), the laser process must be developed to be increasingly dynamic and precise. This requires a rail system that positions the optics and sensors of the module extremely quickly, but highly accurately. The MINISLIDE MSQ guide system meets these requirements perfectly.
Meets the highest requirements
MINISLIDE MSQ meets the highest requirements. It ensures the high speed of up to 5 m/s required for additive manufacturing, and achieves acceleration values of up to 300 m/s². The SCHNEEBERGER miniature guide system with a hardened rail also ensures absolutely precise control of the optics with high friction movement. Another reason for the system's high level of strength is the integrated cage control in the MINISLIDE MSQ.
Compact design thanks to MSQ
A compactly designed control module is the universal solution for additive manufacturing of highly complex components in aircraft and automotive engineering, in medical technology and in tool and mold making. With the SCHNEEBERGER miniature guide system, the design was particularly compact. It allows up to four control modules to be operated in parallel in one construction area. This accelerates the manufacturing process fourfold and adds entirely new dimensions to additive production.