SCHNEEBERGER MINISLIDE MSQscale - A resolution of 0.1 µm

MINISLIDE MSQscale is the tested and proven miniature guideway from SCHNEEBERGER that is equipped with an integrated and innovative distance measuring system. The system combines the functions of guiding and measuring in a single step for maximum precision and reliability. The optical incremental measuring system offers an impressive resolution of 0.1 µm. MINISLIDE MSQscale also features a ready-to-install, compact and robust design for simple and quick installation on the customer side.
Thanks to its unique, robust design, the MINISLIDE MSQ is particularly suitable for applications with high speeds and acceleration. The cage control, which is directly integrated in rail and carriage, keeps the cage in position at all times, enabling speeds of up to 3 m/s and accelerations of up to 300 m/s2. Thanks to the small diameter of its rolling elements, the MINISLIDE MSQ is also particularly suitable for applications with very small strokes.
MINISLIDE MSQ has a unique circular arch profile with four tracks for maximum rigidity and smoothness. The arrangement in an O shape and the high number of rolling elements ensures that high longitudinal and transverse moments are recorded.