Sistema de medición integrado para el tipo de medición AMSA 4B analógico con bolas
Sistema de medición lineal magnetorresistivo especial para aplicaciones en máquinas herramienta
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MONORAIL AMSA 4B es un sistema de medición magnetorresistiva integrado basado en la guía perfilada de bolas MONORAIL BM, con una interfaz de corriente analógica. Estos productos son los preferidos para uso en aplicaciones que tienen grandes demandas de velocidad y precisión de recorrido. No se necesita ningún montaje o ajuste adicionales del sistema de medición, lo cual se refleja en el ahorro de costes del diseño de la máquina, fabricación y mantenimiento. También se han mejorado la precisión y la fiabilidad del proceso de la máquina. La sólida carcasa del cabezal lector tiene un sistema completo de limpiadores, formado por escobillas longitudinales y transversales, que confieren una protección óptima al sistema de medición. La versión AMSA 4B tiene una interfaz de corriente analógica de 1 Vss para su conexión con todos los sistemas de control estándar.
Frequently Asked Questions about the AMSA System from SCHNEEBERGER
Is a calibration required after installing an AMS system?
The absolute position is available after a reference run following power-up.
Does the exact absolute position need to be restored when replacing components?
When replacing read heads, a deviation of a few tenths of a millimeter is possible. If higher accuracy is required, a correction in the control parameters is necessary.
Does the read head need to be aligned during installation?
No alignment of the read head is necessary. It is sufficient to attach the read head using the screws provided.
How much does the signal period of 200 µm affect the system's deviation?
The periodic deviation is less than 0.8 µm.
How do external fields from motors and rotary tables affect the built-in scale?
The scale is protected inside the rail. The external fields are short-circuited by the rail and the surrounding environment, so they have no impact on the scale.
What should be considered when using linear motors?
The risk that tools or chip nests will direct a magnetic flux through the scale is avoided by installing the scale on the opposite side of the linear motor.
What should be considered during installation?
AMS rails are installed without the use of magnetic lifting tools to avoid leaving residual magnetism in the rail.
What accessories are used with the AMS?
The complete range of MONORAIL MR and MONORAIL BM can be used with AMS. However, sheet metal wipers from the standard program cannot be used.
Does an AMS axis require more installation space than an axis without AMS?
In cross-section, compact carriages result in a minimally larger profile. In the direction of travel, the AMS is positioned between two carriages. If there is sufficient space between the carriages, the total length of the rail does not increase.
Is a calibration required after installing an AMS system? //
The absolute position is available after a reference run following power-up.
Does the exact absolute position need to be restored when replacing components? //
When replacing read heads, a deviation of a few tenths of a millimeter is possible. If higher accuracy is required, a correction in the control parameters is necessary.
Does the read head need to be aligned during installation? //
No alignment of the read head is necessary. It is sufficient to attach the read head using the screws provided.
How much does the signal period of 200 µm affect the system's deviation? //
The periodic deviation is less than 0.8 µm.
How do external fields from motors and rotary tables affect the built-in scale? //
The scale is protected inside the rail. The external fields are short-circuited by the rail and the surrounding environment, so they have no impact on the scale.
What should be considered when using linear motors? //
The risk that tools or chip nests will direct a magnetic flux through the scale is avoided by installing the scale on the opposite side of the linear motor.
What should be considered during installation? //
AMS rails are installed without the use of magnetic lifting tools to avoid leaving residual magnetism in the rail.
What accessories are used with the AMS? //
The complete range of MONORAIL MR and MONORAIL BM can be used with AMS. However, sheet metal wipers from the standard program cannot be used.
Does an AMS axis require more installation space than an axis without AMS? //
In cross-section, compact carriages result in a minimally larger profile. In the direction of travel, the AMS is positioned between two carriages. If there is sufficient space between the carriages, the total length of the rail does not increase.
Sistema de medición integrado digital y analógico con rodillos o bolas
Los sistemas de medición digitales y analógicos permiten movimientos lineales exactos y respetan las tolerancias más estrechas
The MONORAIL AMS 4B is an integrated magneto-resistive measuring system for distance measurement based on the MONORAIL BM ball profile guideway. In measuring terms, the AMS 4B is the same as the AMS 3B; it offers the same performance in terms of assembly, cost savings, accuracy and process reliability. AMS 4B products are preferred for use in applications that make major demands on travelling speed and require good resistance to acceleration and vibration.
Product overview AMSA 4B carriages
Product overview AMSA 4B rails
Technical data and options
Dimensions and capacities Links to the following sizes:
The MONORAIL AMS 4B is an integrated magneto-resistive measuring system for distance measurement based on the MONORAIL BM ball profile guideway. In measuring terms, the AMS 4B is the same as the AMS 3B; it offers the same performance in terms of assembly, cost savings, accuracy and process reliability. AMS 4B products are preferred for use in applications that make major demands on travelling speed and require good resistance to acceleration and vibration.
MONORAIL MR4S - Spare parts and Modification instruction
MONORAIL MR4S - Spare parts and Modification instructionDescargar ahora
AMS film
Los requisitos de nuestros clientes: Un sistema de medición de distancias que ahorre espacio, sea fácil de montar y esté cerca del proceso de mecanizado.
Nuestra solución: Un sistema de medición de distancias integrado: alta precisión, fiable y con poco mantenimiento.
Instrucciones de montaje del carro SCHNEEBERGER MONORAIL
Instrucciones de montaje para cabezales de lectura SCHNEEBERGER
Comunicados de prensa
Un sistema de medición integrado que garantiza un recorrido exacto
Desde hace más de diez años, la empresa Schneeberger GmbH desarrolla sistemas de medición de recorridos AMS compactos e integrados para sus guías Monorail y, con ellos, establece un estándar en cuanto a precisión, construcción, instalación, ajuste, funcionamiento y mantenimiento.Descargar ahora
Integrated measuring system for distance measurement
Schneeberger offers cost-optimised solutions in the form of its Integrated measuring system for distance measurement, which can be used for a wide range of applications.Descargar ahora
Datos CAD tipo sistemas de medición AMS para descarga:
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