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Scala graduata a laser direttamente sulla guida SCHNEEBERGER Sistema di misurazione assoluto

Il nuovo sistema di misurazione integrato assoluto SCHNEEBERGER è un altro passo digitale per le guide lineari nell’industria 4.0.
3 interfacce su 5 possono essere utilizzate contemporaneamente: BiSS/SSI, ABZ, UVW, SPI, Sin/Cos analogo.
Disponibile dalla guida lineare miniaturizzata MINIRAIL più piccola, misura 5.

I vostri benefici:

  • Guida e misurazione come soluzioni di sistema integrate

  • Il più piccolo sistema di misurazione integrato assoluto

  • Plug & Play

Connettore intelligente per FPC

Scala graduata incisa al laser sul binario

Design Flexprint personalizzati

Il più piccolo sensore assoluto integrato

Scala graduata a laser direttamente sulla guida

  • Valori dei parametri tarati memorizzati nella EEPROM interna del sensore
  • Sensore con connettore miniaturizzato
  • Design Flexprint personalizzato
  • Condizionamento del segnale (offset, ampiezza, fase) con autocalibrazione
  • Risoluzione lineare 100 nm
  • Precisione assoluta di posizione: < 2 μm (3-Sigma)
  • Dimensioni del sensore: 9,9 x 5,0 x 1,1 mm 9,9 x 5,0 x 1,1 mm
  • Brevetto registrato

Frequently Asked Questions about the MINISAM Measuring System by SCHNEEBERGER

MINISAM is an All-in-One solution and the smallest integrable measuring system for miniature guides. It is a Plug and Play system that is ready for use without the need for additional settings or adjustments.

The SAM measuring system offers five interface options: BiSS/SSI, ABZ, UVW, SPI, and analog Sin/Cos interfaces.

The SAM measuring system operates optically. A central illumination LED sensor and two lensless optical encoder windows detect the absolute position using a Pseudo-Random Code (PRC). Additionally, an incremental encoder is used for the interpolation of high-resolution position data.

The SAM measuring system can be integrated into all MINIRAIL sizes and carriage types, ranging from size 5 to 42.

  • S stands for SCHNEEBERGER
  • A stands for Absolute
  • M stands for Measuring System

The SAM system can either be connected via a flexprint to a connection board or directly to a controller. The flexprint can be customized by the customer. Depending on the application, the customer can decide whether a connection board is needed or not.

What are the advantages of the MINISAM measuring system? //

MINISAM is an All-in-One solution and the smallest integrable measuring system for miniature guides. It is a Plug and Play system that is ready for use without the need for additional settings or adjustments.

Which interfaces does the SAM measuring system support? //

The SAM measuring system offers five interface options: BiSS/SSI, ABZ, UVW, SPI, and analog Sin/Cos interfaces.

How does the SAM measuring system work? //

The SAM measuring system operates optically. A central illumination LED sensor and two lensless optical encoder windows detect the absolute position using a Pseudo-Random Code (PRC). Additionally, an incremental encoder is used for the interpolation of high-resolution position data.

In which sizes of the MINIRAIL series can the SAM measuring system be integrated? //

The SAM measuring system can be integrated into all MINIRAIL sizes and carriage types, ranging from size 5 to 42.

What does the abbreviation SAM stand for? //
  • S stands for SCHNEEBERGER
  • A stands for Absolute
  • M stands for Measuring System

S stands for SCHNEEBERGER A stands for Absolute M stands for Measuring System //

The SAM system can either be connected via a flexprint to a connection board or directly to a controller. The flexprint can be customized by the customer. Depending on the application, the customer can decide whether a connection board is needed or not.


Sistema di misurazione integrato assoluto SCHNEEBERGER
Sistema di misurazione integrato assoluto SCHNEEBERGER Il nuovo sistema di misurazione integrato assoluto SCHNEEBERGER è il primo passo digitale per le guide lineari nell’industria 4.0.Scarica ora
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