SCHNEEBERGER 的 MONORAIL BM 滚珠直线导轨具有出色的动态性能和经济性优势。设计精巧的组件提供了出色的运行特性,运行安静,跳动小,摩擦力低,运行速度高。梯形截面的导轨保证了导轨 具有很好的刚性,同时,更换刮屑板无需拆卸滑块,大大降低维护时间。滑块完全密封,保证了可靠性和使用寿命。结构牢固、经济性的导轨使 SCHNEEBERGER产品完全能满足对速度、可靠性和运行性能具有高要求的应用。
SCHNEEBERGER不锈钢材质的直线导轨MONORAIL BM WR/SR 适用于普通防锈层不能满足防腐蚀要求的场合。
SCHNEEBERGER MONORAIL and MINIRAIL profiled guideways - limited quantity, easy ordering, quick delivery
Dimensions and capacities
Links to the following sizes:
MONORAIL BM 15 Profiled linear balls guideways
MONORAIL BM 20 Profiled linear balls guideways
MONORAIL BM 25 Profiled linear balls guideways
MONORAIL BM 30 Profiled linear balls guideways
MONORAIL BM 35 Profiled linear balls guideways
MONORAIL BM 45 Profiled linear balls guideways
Very good dynamic characteristics and superb economy are the distinguishing features of the MONORAIL BM ball guideway. Thanks to the small number of transitions in the ball tracks, this novel design with its low number of optimally designed components provides outstanding running characteristics, which are distinguished by smooth running, low pulsation, reduced friction values and high travelling speeds.
Dimensions and capacities
Links to the following sizes:
MONORAIL BM 15 Profiled linear balls guideways
MONORAIL BM 20 Profiled linear balls guideways
MONORAIL BM 25 Profiled linear balls guideways
MONORAIL BM 30 Profiled linear balls guideways
MONORAIL BM 35 Profiled linear balls guideways
MONORAIL BM 45 Profiled linear balls guideways
The trapezoidal rail section guideway results in a highly rigid guideway and also substantially reduces the amount of maintenance required since parts subject to wear can be replaced without the need to dismantle the guideway. Complete sealing of the carriages is a guarantee of unparalleled reliability matched by a long service life. This robust and versatile guideway thus ideally complements the MONORAIL MR roller guideway.
MONORAIL 的显著优势:简单的多功能润滑选件,导轨长达 6 米,更少的对接接头数量,因而降低安装成本。
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