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Type NK frictionless table

A large selection of dimensions, suitable for a wide range of applications

Single-axis design made of steel or cast iron available in five sizes

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Frictionless tables type NK
Frictionless tables type NK

Type NK frictionless tables are suitable for multiple applications with a large selection of available dimensions. Available in a single-axis design, in five sizes, made of steel or cast iron (depending on size). Type NK frictionless tables consist of equal length top and bottom parts and Type R longitudinal guideways in lengths of 25 to 510 mm and strokes of 10 to 450 mm. All tables are equipped with Type AC roller cages and Type GB end pieces and can be used for horizontal and vertical installation. Standard fastening holes are provided in the lower part. The side opposite the assembly screws can be used as the locating face. In the standard version, limited stroke is performed by two screws on the top part and one screw on the bottom part. Since the screws can only absorb small forces in the direction of movement, they should not be used as stoppers. The FORMULA-S no longer requires screws thanks to the cage-centering principle. As a special version type AK ball cages (-AK) for less sensitivity to dirt and lower load carrying capacity, and an integrated cage control (-KS) are available. For high dynamics and any installation orientation for sizes 3 and 6.


SCHNEEBERGER frictionless tables - limited quantity, easy ordering, quick delivery

Frictionless table in various designs

Linear units suitable for flexible dimensioning and multiple installation options

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  • 100%100% best choice
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Slides - Product catalog
Slides - Product catalog Dynamic and PreciseDownload now
Type NDN-KS micro frictionless table
Type NDN-KS micro frictionless table Download now

SCHNEEBERGER overview linear bearings and positioning systems

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