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SCHNEEBERGER MONORAIL MR dans l'industrie des machinesoutils


Une machine-outil compacte et robuste, dotée d'une grande surface de travail, doit en principe présenter une forte résistance aux déformations mécaniques. Raison pour laquelle une rigidité élevée et d'excellentes caractéristiques de roulement sont autant de spécifications cibles essentielles.


Des guidages linéaires à rails profilés MONORAIL MR SCHNEEBERGER à plaque de lubrification SPL ont été utilisés à cet effet, car ils répondent à toutes les exigences en matière de qualité et de fiabilité.


L'utilisation de guidages linéaires à rails profilés MONORAIL MR a permis d'obtenir une rigidité élevée, des mouvements de translation rapides, le tout combiné à des caractéristiques de roulement exceptionnelles.

Sans compter l'amélioration de l'accès aux pièces à nettoyer ou à entretenir. L'ergonomie et la fonctionnalité hors pair qui en résultent facilitent le travail de l'opérateur, tout en rendant son environnement de travail plus sûr et plus efficace.

Whirling machines with profiled guideways
Whirling machines with profiled guideways Burgsmüller whirling machinesTélécharger maintenant
SCHNEEBERGER profiled guideways MONORAIL with integrated measuring system AMS
SCHNEEBERGER profiled guideways MONORAIL with integrated measuring system AMS SCHNEEBERGER has been a trusted supplier to Peddinghaus for over 2 decades. Profiled guideways for tough applications, like steel I-beam drilling machines. MONORAIL now available with AMS integrated scale (IP68) with 0,1 ɥm resolutions. The company Peddinghaus is a complete machine tool manufacturer.Télécharger maintenant
No compromises with choice of the delivery support
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SCNEEBERGER MONORAIL MR profiled linear roller guideways (article in english)
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SCNEEBERGER MONORAIL MR profiled linear roller guideways (article in german)
SCNEEBERGER MONORAIL MR profiled linear roller guideways (article in german) SCHNEEBERGER MONORAIL profiled linear guideways bring high levels of flexibility to this Whirling machine.Télécharger maintenant
SCHNEEBERGER MONORAIL with AMS SCHNEEBERGER MONORAIL MR with integrated measuring system AMS. The secret of success. With its expertise in Engineering SCHNEEBERGER is always one step ahead of the marketplace. Télécharger maintenant
High-performance profiled guideways
High-performance profiled guideways When the heaviest loads in milling, turning, drilling or grinding machines need to be moved in an accurate manner, reliable linear bearings are one of the elements required for this. Schneeberger has the right solution in the form of its MONORAIL MR series, which is intended for various types of application and weight class. As such, workpieces weighing up to 150 tons can be moved in an extremely precise manner.Télécharger maintenant
Linear technology combined with integrated measuring system and mineral casting
Linear technology combined with integrated measuring system and mineral casting Combining linear technology with mineral casting offers unbeatable customer benefits.Télécharger maintenant
Profiled linear guideways MONORAIL with rollers – linear motion
Profiled linear guideways MONORAIL with rollers – linear motion High rigidity, great dynamic and static load carrying capacity, outstanding running smoothness and the total enclosure of the carriage are the main features of the MONORAIL guideway.Télécharger maintenant

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